I cook pork chops all the time but have never seen "smoked pork chops" until l was at the Alpine Village the other day. The chops were fully cooked so just pan fry for a few minutes and there you go, ready to eat! I created a sauce using balsamic vinegar, red onions honey and maple syrup that turned out to be a fruity and refreshing compliment to the pork.
<Ingredients for the sauce> about 4 people
1/2 red onion chopped
4 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp maple sylup
1 tbsp German stone-grounded mustard
fresh thyme
1 tbsp olive oil
Chop the red onion and cook with olive oil on a small pan for 3 minutes.
Add fresh thyme, balsamic vinegar, honey, maple syrup and cook 2 more minutes.